Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hello Again! I'm Back!

While I have not been blogging, I have had the opportunity over the summer to Lasso the Moon on a number of occasions!

It was a wild and fast-paced summer!

Our son, was back from Boston for the summer.  I loved this for many reasons--first, I missed him!  Second, I missed the music he brings into our  home every time he is home.

He also had several AJ Adams gigs that he played with his talented buddy Alex McKee!
Check him out on YouTube:  AJ Adams Music!
When he left to drive back to Boston I cried harder than I did when Joe and I left him at Waco his freshman year at Baylor U.!  I don't really know why I became a slobbering fool the day he left, but I did...when I think it will get easier, darn if it doesn't just sneak up on me and rather than being like the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dyke to keep Holland from flooding, there was no hope for the gush of tears that fell down my face when I hugged him good-bye!  I Lasso the tears of love!

Jenna was thrilled to complete her degree this summer!  All of us are very happy and very proud of her!  She is active with the young adult group at church...she is always on the go!  I Lasso with great joy Jenna's success and new beginnings!

Joe and I took a wonderful vacation to Bermuda!  You know, in the hustle and bustle of life, it is so important to take the time...and yes, even spend a little money and GET AWAY and UNPLUG!
I Lasso being in the moment with the one I love!

Well, I can't end this entry without mentioning my daughter Sara, her husband Ryan and their sweet little boy, Landon...

I Lasso being Nonna! 

We had friends visit, attended weddings of couples we absolutely love, and spent time as a family!  

I Lasso the wonderful activities summer brought into my life!